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Get Matched to Chimney Sweepers in Your Area

What is a Chimney Sweeper?

How Much Does a Chimney Sweeper Cost?

What is a Chimney Sweeper?

Chimney sweepers (or chimney sweeps) are professionals who clean chimneys. Most commonly, their job is to remove creosote, ash and soot from the inside of chimney liners and flues. However, they may also have to remove animal and bird nests (especially if the chimney has no cap or screen). They have special equipment (including brushes, vacuums, and cameras) that help them with their work. These professionals can also commonly perform other chimney related tasks such as flue repair, flue lining or relining, flashing repair (to keep water out), mortar repair (or tuck pointing). Chimney sweeps are also trained to contain dust and ash (neither of which are healthy to inhale) and are also experienced roof climbers. Need help finding professional chimney sweeper?

How Much Does a Chimney Sweeper Cost?

The average cost to hire a chimney sweep ranges from $90 to $190. The cost will vary depending upon the size and length of your chimney. This is for sweeping a chimney only. If there are additional issues that need to be addressed, the cost will increase. There will be additional costs for chimney liner replacements, installing new chimney caps, repairing chimney flashing, or tuckpointing chimney masonry. Receive a free cost estimate a chimney sweeper near in your area.

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